Subscriptions Tracker
I’m proud to announce with my first tweet that I finally managed to finish my first "Subscriptions Tracker" template.
What’s different about it than the others ???
The "Diagnostic Area".
This idea comes from my current job, where every day, I'm in contact with different technologies. Unfortunately, these technologies are lacking in the "diagnostic" part, making it difficult for untrained collegues to use them.
For this, I decided to create a "diagnostic area" to minimize the GAP between trained and not trained people.
You will also find a FORMAT that I decided to launch called: "Let’s Build Together!"
"Let’s Build Together !" is a format where users share their workspace and others will edit it. This format aims to connect users to each other, improve their mindset by visualizing their working method and learn new skills to apply on the field.
To celebrate this amazing moment I will give it for free.
Subscriptions Tracker template